How to configure alerts for MS outlook 2010 for forlders

How to configure alerts for new mail in all folders for Microsoft Office Outlook 2010?
Why new mail alert is not coming after configuring rules for folders in  Microsoft Office Outlook 2010?

 Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 is a fantastic Desktop Email client, It normally will give you a popup alert when new mail comes. But when you add new folders and rules the default behavior may change. Here I would teach you how to configure alerts for all mail you receive. Even in all folders and sub folders.

First go to file-> info-> Manage rules and alerts

Then start with a new rule

Start with Apply rule on messages I receive and then click next

do not select any thing in the next window and click next

Click yes on the popup window, It says the rule is going to apply for all incoming messages

Scroll for display a Desktop Alert box and check it and then finish. You are done you will get alerts for all incoming mail including those mails coming to folders and sub folders. You have a better option as I use. Read further for that option.

Check the box with "display a specific message ....."   also along with "Desktop alert" as you can see below.

Then click on specific message and type what ever message you want to get popped up and click ok.

Confirm the same in the window and click on finish

Now you will get two type of popups, One is a Desktop alert and it will fade within seconds. The mail alert will not fade at  all. You will notice that you a got mails whenever turn your eyes towards the monitor after getting a mail 

Thank you for reading